Thank you so much for your interest in my services! I always look forward to welcoming new clients and reconnecting with my existing clients.

Makeup is a very personal and intimate service to provide therefore the 6ft rule isn’t applicable in this case however, due to covid-19 there will be additional requirements and standards to protect my clients and myself or any additional artist providing services. Don't worry we're still going to have a great time and you're still going to look fabulous!

Health and Safety Requirements: 

  • If I am traveling to your location please provide a space where only me and the client (you) being serviced is allowed.

  • If you are traveling to my Home Studio I will provide a clean space for just us, although I love company, please do not bring additional people who are not getting serviced.

  • I will wear a N95 hospital grade mask while servicing all my clients, washing my hands frequently and using hand sanitizer.

  • If there are multiple clients being serviced, I will sanitize and/or use a new set of brushes in between clients

  • If you’re not feeling well or have a temperature (no judgement at all) let’s reschedule

My priority is our health and safety! I want to make sure everyone is being safe, comes in healthy, leaves healthy and of course beautiful!

Be on the lookout for a response within 24 hrs.